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Mass Intentions

“A single Mass offered for oneself during life may be worth more than a thousand celebrated for the same intention after death.”
~ St. Leonard of Port Maurice


St. Michael the Archangel

Guidelines for requesting Mass Intentions

A Mass Intention may be offered for a deceased loved one or a close family member or friend who is in need of prayers due to illness or other struggle. The parish reserves the right to limit intentions that may not be appropriate. Please refer to the following guidelines which have been established in order to offer the opportunity for all parishioners to schedule Mass Intentions for their loved ones and to accommodate recently deceased individuals:

1. Mass Intentions are available for a stipend of $10 per Mass Intention. Mass Intentions are not scheduled until payment has been received.

2. Mass Intentions not for the deceased are listed as a “Special Intention” of the person for whom the Mass is being offered.

3. Scheduling a Mass Intention does not imply “ownership” of the Mass. All the faithful at any Mass may offer their own intentions in private, which might not be the same as the intention.

Currently, we are scheduling Mass Intentions for the 2024 & 2025 calendar year with the exception of some Holy Days & Holidays where Mass schedules have not yet been finalized. To schedule a Mass, please complete the form below and complete the online payment instructions, or stop by the Parish Office to complete your request in person. 

Other Things to Consider are: “Support the Missions” Option

We appreciate your desire to have Masses said for your loved ones at St. Michael the Archangel Parish. Because of the number of requests we receive, oftentimes we are not able to fulfill them as soon as some would like. If you would like to have a Mass Intention for your loved one sooner than we are able, we suggest sending your requests to the Missions Office of the Diocese of Columbus at  For many Mission Churches and Missionaries, Mass Intentions are a major source of income for their support. Please consider supporting the Missions in this manner.