Congratulations on the Birth of your child!
We rejoice with you and look forward to welcoming your little one into the Family of God and the communion of the Holy Catholic Church. Baptisms are held on Saturdays at 9:00am and Sundays at 2:00 pm (pre-registration is required).
Information for Parents
If you have never had a child baptized in the Catholic church, or have not attended a class recently, you will need to attend a baptism class. Both parents must attend the class. Classes are scheduled on Saturdays at 9:00am and Sundays at 2:00pm. In order to best prepare and welcome you, pre-registration is required. For more information call the parish office.
In order to schedule a baptism, please complete the following steps:
Download a St Michael Baptism Registration Form and the Godparent Sponsor Letter for each godparent to fill out and have signed by their parish priest.
Type directly into the form, save it, and then attach it to an email to the parish office to return it.
Give the sponsor letters to your godparents and ask them to take them to their parish pastor for him to sign & stamp and then return to us.
Once all of the paperwork is received, you may then contact the parish office to schedule your baptism date.
Information for Godparents
-Only one godparent is required, although two are traditional
-Each godparent must be at least 16 years of age and must be an active and practicing Catholic
-In the case of two godparents, they must be of the opposite gender. The maximum number of godparents is (2)
-A godparent must be a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church, meaning they have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation and if they are married, they are in a valid marriage recognized by the Catholic Church
-If your godparents are not St. Michael parishioners, they will need to complete & submit this form to their parish to be signed by their parish priest, then submit the completed and signed form to the St. Michael Parish office via email, fax (614-885-8060), or US Mail.
-Godparents: if you are here because you’re serving as a godparent at a parish that requires you to attend a pre-baptism class and you want to attend the pre-baptism class at St. Michael, contact the parish office for more information.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office at [email protected] or (614) 885-7814.