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St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVDP)

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization that leads men and women to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to the needy and suffering. The St. Michael conference of SVdP operates a food pantry and clothing room at the church. We also do home visits with those in need to provide spiritual support as well as needs assessments. Through the generosity of parishioners, we are able to help families with rent, utilities, medical needs, and household goods. We also assist in diocesan-wide efforts to help those in need and to work towards systemic change. Donations to St. Vincent de Paul/St. Michael Conference help provide direct assistance to the poor in the St. Michael community.  Volunteers meet face to face with the poor to assess their needs. Some of the needs addressed by volunteers include housing and utility assistance; job training and placement; and access to food, clothing, transportation, and medical care. The National Council also makes grants to the local Conferences/Councils through its Domestic Disaster Relief Grants and the Friends of the Poor Grant Programs. To “Rise Up Now!” and help the needy and suffering, please consider making a generous (tax-deductible) donation with a check made out to St. Vincent de Paul/St. Michael Conference.  You can drop it in with your regular contribution during Mass, drop it off at the parish office, or mail it to: St. Vincent de Paul/St. Michael Conference 5750 N High St Worthington OH 43085 email us Thank you for your kindness and generosity!